Marketing with Swag Bags: 10 Ways to Say Thanks & Advertise!
Incase you’re not sure what a “swag bag” is or how it fits into your marketing plan, just watch any awards show. Celebrities get these big baskets or bags just for attending the event. This is a clever marketing tool wherein companies vie to offer up their product in hopes that it will get some air time.
Now, you may not have an event per se, but you do have clients who would love to put items emblazoned with your logo to good use! The holiday season is a PERFECT time to consider giving a little something back to clients—while also inserting some marketing into the mix.
For example, if you are part of a nonprofit organization, you may offer a swag bag as a reward for reaching a certain level of donation. Or say you are an up and coming tech company—you can offer a swag bag to new and potential clients full of neat little tech gadgets. Perhaps you’ve had a great year and you want to say thank you to some of your most loyal customers. A swag bag is a great way to do it!
If your company is thinking of delivering some swag this holiday season, here are some swag bag fulfillment ideas to get your started:
1. The Bag Itself
A nice canvas tote can go a long way. Clients might take it to the beach, the gym, or grocery shopping, where your design is very likely to be seen.
2. Stickers
The most obvious of advertising gems. Make your space on the back of someone’s laptop, so the next time they’re working in a cafe and they pop it open, there’s your logo shining for all the cafe to see.
3. Pens
Who doesn’t love a good pen? And if a pen is going to be “stolen” as they so often are, isn’t it better that said stolen pen should have your name on it?
4. Reusable Water Bottle
A functional offering which clients are sure to carry around with them, virtually trumpeting to the heavens how amazing your company is.
5. Reusable Coffee Cup/Mug
Because coffee is the driving force behind success. Tea is good also.
6. Shirts /Sweaters
A clever design will go a long way when added to a t-shirt. For nonprofits, donors will be proud to show off their swag and show their support for your cause!
7. Notebook
downright useful and pairs fantastically with those custom pens you made.
8. Food items
If you’re a food company, putting in a little sample is a no-brainer. But even if you’re not, snacks are a sweet way to leave an impression.
9. Visual Inspiration
Whether you’re a nonprofit, small family business or international company, including a card, brochure or leaflet with eye-catching images of some of the highlights of your year or showing what you’re all about will remind clients what they’re investing in.
10. A personalized note
Whether this is part of your aforementioned card or leaflet or a letter on its own, letting your clients know that you appreciate them is what a swag bag is all about!
You’ve compiled your list of desired swag bag goodies—now what? Now you mail it! This is where fulfillment services come in. There are companies out there (ahem) who can handle your swag bag marketing fulfillment from start to finish. CITYMAIL can store your inventory, sort it, pack it in a neat, attractive way, and mail it out to your list of clients or potential clients! We can even make your list and check it twice with a targeted mailing list.
Using a professional direct mail and fulfillment company to do all the work associated with your swag bag saves you the time and space needed to ship and store your bags.