Custom Packets Printed, Assembled, Inserted and Shipped here at Citymail USA.
Kitting and Packet Assembly
Kitting? Let’s break it down:
Kitting, by definition, is a process in which individually separate (but related) items are grouped, packaged, and supplied together as one unit. This is a custom assembly process that falls under the category of General Fulfillment. This process is applied to most projects that consist of multiple items that need to get placed in a single “housing” unit.
“Assembly Required.” This is not just a saying when you are dealing with daily fulfillment orders or gala invitation kits. Some jobs require that “white-glove” treatment and this is where CITYMAIL comes in. With our Kitting Services you remove wasted time, and disorganization, and create a single, fluid workflow all in one place. From a small shipment of 25 units to bulk orders by the thousand’s: We cover the spectrum.
Packet Assembly?
The idea behind Packet Assembly is simple: Documents, Brochures, Spec. Sheets etc. - printed in bulk - that need to be stapled, collated and inserted by hand. Sometimes containing Variable Data (specific data catered to that specific individual) and multiple items per shipment.
Example: Each year here at CITYMAIL we partner with Harvard University and take care of the printing, collating, assembly and distribution of high school testing packets that need to get mailed out around the country.
Though it seems as if the world runs on a constant, electronic tight-rope, the presentation of physical, printed documents are still the most legitimate (and entertaining) form of communication!
Where Does CITYMAIL Come In?
CITYMAIL has been partnering with research departments, schools, universities, law firms, non-profits, political campaigns, creative agencies, and everything in between for decades to print, assemble and distribute specialty kits + packets.
Because we use automated mailing technology and have bulk printing available with a dedicated staff and efficient procedure, using CITYMAIL for your packet printing and assembly ends up costing you less and saving you time on your next big mailing!
To get your printing and packet assembly job started, simply visit our contact page and tell us a bit about what you’re looking for (quantity, content etc.) We’ll get back to you right away with a follow-up and a free quote!