Explore the Benefits of Starting a Subscription Box

Subscription Box Services

Is Your Business Looking to Cast a Wider Net? Consider the Benefits of Starting a Subscription Box!

Subscription boxes are one of the fastest growing trends in commerce—CITYMAIL can help you get your piece of the pie with our subscription box services.


Why Should Your Company Consider Starting a Subscription Box?

  1. Reliable Sales - Unlike traditional sales in store or online, subscription box services help you maintain predictable income over a longer period of time. No more biting your nails during the slow season - subscription boxes bridge the gap and help you better predict your inventory needs and annual sales.

  2. Customers Get to Sample a Wider Range of Products - People like to stick to what they’re comfortable with. Chances are, customers will return and purchase one product or type of product that has worked for them in the past. Think of it like a regular coffee order. The problem is that they may be missing out on other products your business offers without even realizing they’re passing on a great thing! This is where your subscription box shines and benefits both you and your customer. You get to move inventory, they get introduced to their next favorite thing!

  3. Free Up Space - Question: how can you move a LOT of product without having a LOT of space? If you’re dreaming bigger than your current situation of small orders, small business (and storing extra inventory in your spare room) subscription boxes are a great option. When you partner with a company like CITYMAIL to handle you subscription box services you also get a clean, safe warehousing space and a professional team looking after your inventory. Room to grow is built in!

  4. Your Company Grows, Your Headaches Don’t - But growing involves a lot of extra brain space as well as physical space, right? Tracking? Returns? Inventory? That’s where using a subscription box service really shines. The beauty of it is that your business grows and your income grows, but your headaches don’t. That’s because a subscription box company handles all of your data. You can carry on while your inventory, tracking, returns, and postage are all handled and delivered to you on demand.